Being employed by an elected official is no longer bliss, especially in the light of any form of sexual harassment. Recent cases such as those of Sheriff Donald O’Cain and Eddie Fair’s former boss are still pending because of they for elected officials. Serving at ‘will and pleasure’ comes with some form of exposure as the elected officials can employ and fire at will with or without proper reason. The accused have not consented to any of the claims, leaving the harassed at crossroads. In the case of the Simpson’s County scandal, the woman reflected that it was suggested to her that she resigned instead of going against an elected official. Eddie Fair had a tough time getting her case across as the work handbook stated that she could only report the incident to an elected official. And in this case, her alleged harasser.
The situation has put employees working for an elected official in a tight position as they also need to meet the needs of their dependents. Losing a job may be out of the question, and the elected officials are reportedly taking advantage of the desperation to acquire sexual favors and harass them. The law does not have a direct say when it comes to elected official through the Federal government can do something about it. The procedure that involved the higher state is however slow and frustrating. Nick Norris, one of the complainants, advocate said that very little can be done against an elected official and only the voters can decide after the electioneering period.
The House Education Chairman John Moore recently resigned after such allegations were made against him. Philip Gun, the current house speaker, said that the accusations were coming from different fronts and multiple women. The most astonishing thing is that the probe into the issue ended with the resignation with the involved parties citing that nothing could be done if Moore was out of office. Lawmakers are seeking to push a bill that will require public office officials to take responsibility of sexual harassment claims as well as reimburse any state money used to compensate, settle or litigate such claims while they are in office.
Sexual harassment does not only involve inappropriate advances but an offensive language in which the victim can be both male and female.