Are Medical Bills Covered After an Accident?

If you are injured in an accident, you might wonder if your medical bills are covered. This is a very valid concern. In some cases, you might need a personal injury attorney to help you with your case. If you have been injured in an accident, there is a chance that you are entitled to compensation from the responsible party. The amount of compensation will vary, depending on the specific situation, but there are certain factors that will make up the total amount of compensation. These factors include lost wages, physical damages, pain and suffering, and medical expenses. In addition, you need to make sure that in order to collect to your compensation, you file a claim before the statute of limitations is up. In the majority of states, you need to file a personal injury case within two to four years of the claim, although you should look at the rules in your states to see what actually applies to you.

However, it is important to know that if you get into some sort of accident, you are generally the one who is going to be responsible for your medical bills as they are incurred. Typically, the only exception is going to be a car accident that has taken place in a no-fault state or an accident that involves medical payments coverage. The person who injured you, even if clearly at fault, will not have to pay your medical expenses on an ongoing basis. The only way they are going to be responsible for your medical expenses is paying your damages if they are found to be at fault in a courtroom. However, you may not receive this compensation until much later.

If the car accident has happened in a no-fault state, your own insurer will pay some or all of your medical expenses, until they exceed the no-fault limit of the state, at which point you will be responsible for the remainder. You will have the option of filing a traditional liability claim against the at-fault driver, but this will probably take some time to resolve.

If you get into an accident in a state without no-fault insurance, you are generally going to be responsible for your own medical bills, unless you have medical payment insurance coverage. If you do, the coverage will help you up to the policy limit, and then you will have to pay the rest.

If you are involved in a premises liability or slip and fall accident, the injured person is generally responsible for paying his or her medical bills, unless there is med pay coverage included in the property owner’s liability insurance policy. If the accident is work-related, and you make a claim for worker’s compensation, this claim will likely cover all of your medical bills.