It Isn’t Mad Fish Disease, But It’s Not Nice, Either

We all do it. We buy a package of salmon, never thinking about how the fish was raised. The sad truth is that the salmon was raised inside a mesh cage sized like a city block instead of swimming free in the ocean. It’s called net-pen farming, and Washington is joining California, Oregon, and Alaska in putting an end to it.

What’s Wrong With Commercial Fish Farming?

Let’s begin with caging something: you’ll have a waste problem, disease will spread from penned salmon to wild fish, there are lethal sea lice infestations, as well as products to kill parasites and other pests getting into the water. The price of salmon worldwide has risen as the result of such environmental issues.

Add to this the fact that the water in which the salmon are raised is used by the public. The net pen farming companies such as Cooke Aquaculture, who harvest salmon in Puget Sound pen farms, do nothing to filter or treat the water for impurities before its use by humans.

Since the net pen farm spill upheaval in 2017, the Cooke company’s pen leases have been canceled. The company’s operations in other countries were also closely inspected. All were found to be not compliant with state and industry safety guidelines and shut down.

As Cooke switches from salmon to steelhead, the tribes along with the population of Washington state are worried. They wonder about the farming of fish and its consequences for the wild fish in the area. Their own health and wellness are naturally matters of concern as well.

What’s The Answer?

Advocates of building a better mousetrap suggest containment facilities on land. Wild fish won’t swim by and become tainted with sea lice. The snag to that idea is not enough fish could be raised to answer the needs of ten billion people worldwide.

Better pens in the oceans, complete with filtering systems, easier methods of protecting the salmon from pests and parasites, in addition to better methods of cleaning up the waste, have been suggested, too. Both scenarios are being considered as the deadline for establishment of better methods draws nearer.

As the world population grows, food production becomes the question: can we double or triple food production? Can we do it without harming the Earth or the people needing that food? Banning net pen farms was a good start.

Personal Injury Facts vs Myths

Personal injury occurs when someone incurs an injury either because of someone’s negligence or ill-motives. Should this happen to you or someone you care about, know that there is a recourse for you to take so that you can be properly compensated for what happened.


Here, we take a look at some of the more common myths on personal injury cases, and the facts that should bring clear answers and enlightenment to those who may need it.


MYTH 1: Personal injury law only applies to accidents like slip and falls, and car accidents.


FACT: Slip and falls, and accidents, are the most common types of personal injuries, but they are not the only ones. Medical malpractice also falls under personal injury. If a surgeon leaves a gauze inside during surgery, and this results in complications during the patient’s recovery, the patient may file for personal injury.


Psychological and emotional harms are also considered under this category, and so can be used as grounds for seeking relief in court.


MYTH 2: You should wait until you are healed or recovered before filing a personal injury lawsuit.


FACT: The sooner you get it done, the better. Keep in mind that there is a statute of limitations or a deadline for filing a lawsuit.


For personal injuries, specifically, you must file within two years from the occurrence of the injury. If this is not possible, such as the medical malpractice example above, then the statute of limitations begins upon the date of the discovery of the injury.


MYTH 3: It’s expensive to hire a lawyer and file a personal injury lawsuit.


FACT: The prevailing misconception is that hiring a lawyer to pursue a personal injury lawsuit is going to be very expensive. However, the fact is that lawyers handling personal injury cases forego legal fees upfront. Based on the contingency fee setup, their fees will be paid from the awarded settlement.


The lawyers are also in charge of the disbursements, or any and all necessary expenses incurred during the pursuit of the lawsuit. So if fear of cost is what’s stopping you from filing a personal injury lawsuit, don’t worry.


Get the justice and compensation you deserve. Hire a personal injury lawyer at the earliest.

Who is at Fault? Traffic Accidents During Winter Weather.

Car accidents can occur at anytime, but during the winter months when roads become slippery with snow, sleet and ice, the likelihood of becoming involved in an accident increases significantly. If you’re ever involved in an accident during the winter, you may be concerned about the police and insurance company’s ability to accurately determine who was at fault. Fortunately, there are several ways of accurately determining fault following a car accident that occurs during inclement winter weather.

Law Enforcement

When most auto accidents occur, regardless of the time of year, a police officer is usually the first person on the scene. It’s the responsibility of the police officer to make an initial determination of who was at fault, after an investigation has been conducted, and the officer will issue a ticket to the driver who is determined to have caused the accident. The police officer will gather information from all drivers involved, including their driver’s licenses and proof of car insurance, which will be needed for the police report. You should obtain a copy of the police report, which will usually be ready after a couple of days, depending on the police station.


Law enforcement and even insurance companies may question any pedestrians or other drivers who may have witnessed the auto accident. This is more likely to happen if the officer isn’t sure whose negligence caused the accident.

An Experienced Traffic and Accident Attorney

After contacting law enforcement and exchanging contact and insurance information with the other drivers, you should contact an experienced auto accident attorney. Even if you believe you were at fault for the accident, the right attorney can ensure that you receive the best outcome possible following the accident. The attorney will conduct his or her own investigation in order to determine if you or another driver was at fault.

As you can see, there are many steps to determining who is at fault in a car accident that occurs in the winter. So, if you ever find yourself involved in a car accident due to inclement winter weather, you should never admit fault and you should also make sure that you contact an experienced accident attorney as quickly as you can.

How to Calculate a Personal Injury Settlement Amount

If you’ve been injured in an accident, the recovery period can be trying. In addition to physical and emotional pain, you may also find yourself trying to navigate the process of filing a personal injury settlement claim. A personal injury lawyer can help you negotiate the personal injury settlement landscape, calculate a reasonable claim amount, and manage your expectations.

How to Put Together a Claim

There are a few different factors to consider when determining how much money to ask for in your settlement. First, calculate the total cost of your medical bills to date, and when appropriate, estimate the cost of any ongoing or future care. In many cases, the amount of damages you can claim will be directly correlated with the severity of your injuries.

If your injuries caused you to miss work, consider the wages lost during this time period. Additionally, if damage sustained from your accident will prevent you from working in the future, include the amount of future income you expect to lose. Finally, if any personal property was damaged in your accident, such as a car in the case of an automobile accident, factor in the cost of repairs or replacements.

Once you’ve come to a number that makes sense for your settlement, it’s important to collect any documentation that supports your financial claim. This can include medical billing statements, pay stubs, auto repair bills, and other relevant documents. Your lawyer can help you identify and collect the necessary paperwork.

Things to Consider

Different states have different laws pertaining to personal injury settlements. Some states are modified comparative negligence states. This means that in these states, if you are determined to be at greater than 50% at fault, you may be unable to claim damages. Other states are contributory negligence states. This means that if even if you are at a lower percentage of fault, sometimes as low as 1%, you may be ineligible to collect damages. Consult with your lawyer to find out if you live in one of these states.

While calculating a personal injury settlement amount can seem daunting, a personal injury lawyer can help you create a claim and give you your best chance of receiving damages.


Lawsuit Filed Over Injuries Related to Apple Watch Battery Defects

Apple is synonymous with technology, and a lot of people have purchased the Apple Watch. There are multiple generations that have been released, but all of them could have a serious defect with the battery. Recently, a problem was discovered with the battery that could cause it to swell. If the battery swells inside the device, it can lead to operational failures and serious injuries. For example, broken screens could cause injuries to the forearm, and a recent class-action lawsuit has been filed against the technology giant.

According to claims made by the plaintiff in the lawsuit, Apple has made serious mistakes during its manufacturing processes. The lawsuit alleges that Apple’s manufacturing processes cause the battery to come into direct contact with the screen. Therefore, in situations where the battery might as well, the display screen could pop out. If it cracks, it could lead to serious injuries.

For example, when the display pops out of the battery, there are razor-sharp edges that could lead to significant harm. The watch face could crack or shatter, leading to injuries that are not the fault of the individual using the watch.

There was one specific example cited in the lawsuit. An individual saw the screen detach from the battery more than three years after he originally purchased the device. When the screen popped out, it mangled a vein on the bottom of his forearm. This could lead to serious bleeding, which might lead to major medical complications. The lawsuit also included an image of the severe laceration along with vivid descriptions of what happened.

Unfortunately, it is possible that every generation of Apple watches could be impacted by this battery defect. The lawsuit also alleges that the manufacturing issue causes an unreasonable risk of injury and harm to consumers. The lawsuit also claims that a lot of people have already suffered injuries.

Furthermore, this is not the first time that Apple has had to deal with a lawsuit related to its batteries. In 2019, Apple faced a lawsuit claiming that the tech company had engaged in fraudulent business practices. Even though the lawsuit was ultimately dismissed, it will be interesting to see where the lawsuit related to the batteries heads this time.

Lawsuit Underway in Opioid Epidemic Trial in Washington

The opioid epidemic has been a significant issue facing the entire country for the past several years. Recently, the opioid epidemic was put on display in Washington, as a major case went to trial against three major opioid distributors. The companies are accused of filing hundreds of thousands of suspect orders for drugs, and the state alleges that many of these orders ended up in the hands of drug dealers, who were then able to distribute them to people on the street. As a result, some people may have gotten their hands on opioid medications without a prescription, leading to opioid hospitalizations and deaths.

The three major drug manufacturers involved in the case include Cardinal Health, McKesson, and AmerisourceBergen. The allegations are that the companies shipped more than 250,000 orders to the state of Washington over an eight-year period despite having a legal obligation not to fill any orders that would likely end up in the hands of drug dealers.

By law, drug distributors are required to monitor the orders they receive. If they appear suspicious, they are required by law to report them to the drug enforcement agency. Furthermore, distributors are required to investigate any orders that look suspicious, making sure they do not end up on the black market.

To win the case, the state will have to prove that the companies either knew or should have known that many of these orders were suspicious. Then, the state will also have to prove that many of these suspicious orders ended up in the hands of drug dealers. The state is seeking a transformative amount of money that will help the region heal.

Of note, before the case went to trial, the defendants rejected a settlement offer of more than $527 million. If the distributors lose at trial, it would not be surprising if the penalty was even higher than that. If the state receives money from these companies as a result of the lawsuit, the money will go toward funding the state’s opioid response plan. The goal of the plan is to help those who have been impacted by the opioid epidemic while also putting new measures in place that will make it harder to distribute opioids illegally throughout Washington.

Amazon Settles Pesticide Lawsuit for $2.5 Million

Amazon will pay $2.5 million in a settlement agreed upon in November 2021. The Washington State Attorney General’s office alleges that the company allowed vendors to sell industrial-grade pesticides on its platform. The case involves pesticides bought between 2013 and 2020, according to

Pesticides Sold Online

Under Washington state law, these pesticides were highly regulated, and members of the general public cannot purchase them through regular channels. In fact, the state requires sellers to hold the appropriate licenses. Sellers must also record information about buyers at the point of sale. Some of the pesticides also require buyers to hold a license due to the hazardous nature of the pesticides. In those cases, buyers need a pesticide applicator license.

EPA Investigation

The Environmental Protection Agency ordered Amazon to stop sales of the pesticides and won a settlement for $1.2 million in 2018. During the time frame in question, the tech giant sold high-strength pesticides in thousands of sales. Product descriptions for the pesticides did not warn customers that they were meant for industrial and agricultural use.

Therefore, it is possible that people bought them without knowing that they were any different from other products for sale to homeowners and individuals.

Possible Neurological Damage

Some people purchasing the pesticides probably didn’t know about the potential dangers, which include the risk of neurological damage if used improperly. Additionally, these pesticides may have contaminated groundwater, putting numerous endangered species at further risk. Species potentially impacted by the unregulated sale include Orcas and Chinook salmon.

According to news stories on several outlets, no allegations of harm have yet been made regarding customers or threatened wildlife.

Amazon Will Need a License to Continue Sales

Besides paying the $2.5 million settlement, Amazon must get a license in order to sell the pesticides in the future. The online seller will also have to make a number of changes to block unqualified buyers from purchasing the pesticides, intentionally or otherwise. Thus far, Amazon has cooperated with the state’s request for records related to the case.

It’s possible that some customers bought the pesticides without understanding the risks involved. Customers who bought pesticides on Amazon between 2013 and 2020 should contact Amazon directly.

Jury Reaches a Verdict Regarding the Lawsuit Filed Against Craig Wright, Man Who Claims To Be Satoshi

Bitcoin has completely changed the way people look at the economy; however, the creator of the cryptocurrency is still unknown, going only by the name Satoshi. Recently, an Australian computer scientist who claims to have invented Bitcoin was informed by a jury in the United States that he needs to pay more than $100 million in damages due to claims that he cheated a friend, now deceased, over intellectual property related to the digital currency.

Taking place in federal court in Miami, the jury took more than a week to reach a verdict. The verdict came after a trial that lasted more than three weeks. Even though the jury rejected those claims made against Craig Wright, the Australian computer scientist, the jury still decided that the computer scientist owed the plaintiff more than $100 million. Of note, this trial does not settle the debate over the creator of the renowned cryptocurrency.

The lawsuit was brought by the brother of Dave Kleiman, who is a cybersecurity expert who passed away in 2013. The lawsuit alleged that Kleiman worked with Wright during the early years of Bitcoin, seeking to mine the cryptocurrency during its early phases. The lawsuit alleges that Wright did not give Kleiman his fair share of the mined Bitcoin, meaning that he was shorted hundreds of millions of dollars, given the rapid growth of Bitcoin during the past decade.

Even though Craig Wright feels that the verdict proves he is the creator of Bitcoin, most other people disagree. A lot of investors in Bitcoin view Craig Wright as a fake, and the result of the trial has done little to convince the public that this man is the true creator of Bitcoin itself.

Even though the verdict and settlement amount can be staggering in the eyes of a lot of people, Bitcoin has appreciated significantly since the time of the alleged incident, meaning that Wright could have billions of dollars in Bitcoin to his name. This could be the reason why he is not going to appeal the verdict. On the other hand, an attorney representing Kleiman hailed the verdict as marking a new precedent in the history of cryptocurrency.

Juries Award Multimillion Dollar Verdicts in Lawsuits Against Walmart

When people take a trip to the grocery store, they usually expect to grab a shopping cart, find what they need, and check out without issue. Unfortunately, for a woman located in South Carolina, her trip to Walmart in 2015 took an unusual turn.

When she set foot inside the Walmart, she felt a sharp pain in the bottom of her foot. She looked down and found that a rusty nail had gone right through her shoe. It has locked itself in her foot, and she went to the hospital as quickly as possible to get the wound treated. Unfortunately, the area got infected, and she needed to go through multiple operations to have most of her right leg amputated. Initially, it was just her toe; however, the infection continued to spread through her foot. Several months later, she needed to have her leg amputated above the knee as well.

Since that time, her life has been altered tremendously. She spends much of her time in a wheelchair, and she is unable to live the life she once did. In 2017, she filed a lawsuit against Walmart, alleging that Walmart was negligent in leaving a rusty nail on the floor. She and her attorney took the case to trial, where a jury awarded her $10 million as a result of her injuries. Her attorney says that this money is going to be used to make her home more handicapped accessible, purchase prosthetic limbs to allow her to restore some degree of mobility, and cover a wide variety of medical expenses, including those she will incur during the rest of her life.

Even though Walmart appreciates the services of the jury, they do not agree with the verdict; however, April Jones is not the only person to be awarded a significant amount of money by a jury following an incident in the store.

More than $2 million in damages were awarded to an individual in Mobile County, AL after they were falsely accused of stealing groceries. The individual went through the self-checkout lane, paid for all the groceries, but was then accused of stealing them by a local Walmart. Following the false accusations, this individual filed a lawsuit and won the case as well.

Costco Fighting Legal Battle in Washington State

Major grocery retailer Costco is facing a legal challenge in its home state of Washington. Residents of Lake Stevens, WA (a town about 45 miles north of their central headquarters) have filed a lawsuit to prevent the chain from opening a new retail location in their town. The group, called Livable Lake Stevens, has a history of fighting against Costco’s expansion into their neighborhood. This lawsuit is one of several similar suits the residents have filed over the past three years with the express purpose of denying Costco the opportunity to build on land that they own. The resident group has also held multiple protests at city council meetings trying to stop development at the site.

This time, the residents filed a lawsuit in federal court against the Army Corps of Engineers. The 40 acre plot was recently allowed to start fill dirt operations, despite the fact that the property contains wetland areas. The plaintiffs believe that the process to gain proper permitting to fill wetlands at the site was rushed. Several experts, however, have remarked that the lawsuit is likely the last attempt that can be made to prevent the store from starting construction.

Many of the residents are concerned about an increase in traffic through their neighborhoods. In fact, one study estimated a nearly 50% increase in traffic on major roads within a one mile radius of the store. Members of Livable Lake Stevens point to this study as the main reason why the store should not be built in their area.

There are, however, many residents in Lake Stevens, Wa who want to see the Costco open in their neighborhood. Costco has a reputation for high wages, and the company’s press releases regarding the expansion are quick to point out their $24 an hour average salaries. These retail positions also come with benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans. With a typical store bringing approximately 275 new jobs to an area, there are many people in Lake Stevens who want to see the store open as soon as possible.

For now, everyone will have to wait and see what the courts decide in the federal lawsuit.