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5 Tips For Filing a Personal Injury Claim

Each year more than 39 million people visit a physician for accidental injuries. Many of these may qualify for personal injury claims. These include auto accidents, workplace injuries, slip and fall accidents, and defective products. If you were injured due to someone else’s actions or negligence, you may be eligible for compensation. Filing a personal injury claim can be complicated. However, these steps will help you prepare to file a personal injury claim.

1. Get Medical Treatment Quickly

Some injuries, including whiplash from a car accident, don’t have symptoms immediately after the accident. It’s always a good idea to seek medical treatment immediately after an accident. If you notice new symptoms in the days after any type of accident, it’s important to see a doctor. In addition to taking care of your health, medical care will document any injuries or symptoms you are experiencing.

2. Report the Accident

You’ll need to report the accident. Who you report it to will depend on where the accident occurred. If you are injured at work, you’ll report it to your supervisor. A car accident should be reported to the police. If you are injured in a business, report it to the manager or supervisor. It’s best to get some type of documentation when you report the injury. This will help you prove your case later on.

3. Keep Documentation

In addition to getting a copy of any accident report, you should get a copy of any medical records associated with the accident. You should also write out a personal statement of how the accident occurred. Keep any insurance claims, hospital bills, and repair expenses.

4. Keep Quiet

Keep all information on a need to know basis. Don’t post information about the accident on social media. Do not speak to the defendant’s legal team or insurance company without seeking legal advice. Remember, their job is to work for the other side, and they can use the information you provide against you.

5. Seek Legal Help

Seek legal help as soon as possible. Ideally, it should be the next step after seeking medical attention and reporting the accident. Filing a personal injury claim is a process. An attorney can guide you through the process and help you avoid common mistakes.