What Is Personal Injury Protection Coverage?

An accident can happen at any time and it is important for everyone to make sure they are prepared. Even the smallest accident can lead to serious injuries that could end up with someone going to the hospital. If this involves an overnight stay, an emergency surgical procedure, or a stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), this is going to lead to significant bills. Even though many people do not want to think about the financial cost of recovery, it is a reality of the situation. That is why it is important for everyone to be familiar with personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. This type of coverage is used to pay for people’s medical treatment, allowing individuals to focus on their recovery instead of the financial aspect of their accident.

One of the major advantages of this type of coverage is that this is no fault covered. This means that the insurance company responsible for the bills does not care about whose fault it is. Regardless of who is blamed for the accident, the type of coverage will cover the cost of medical bills, lost income, and other expenses without considering who might have caused the collision. Instead of one insurance company demanding reimbursement from the other insurance company, personal injury protection coverage is much more straightforward. Everyone has coverage regardless of whose fault the accident might have been.

Another major advantage of this type of coverage is that it makes the tort system much more straightforward. Tort is the legal term that is used to describe a civil wrong or negligent act that one person might have committed against another individual. For example, if one driver collides with another, this accent is usually referred to as a tort. No matter how small the injury might have been, the person who has been injured usually has the right to file a lawsuit against the other person involved to recover damages.

Lawsuits are never easy. Instead of having to worry about a lawsuit, it is better to go with personal injury protection coverage. That way, individuals do not have to worry about whose fault the accident was or the financial status of the other individual. Everyone should consider personal injury protection coverage.